Thank you for stopping by on my blog, I hope you find something here that pleases you. If you do please feel free to leave a comment, either here or in my 4shared account. As an artist I would love to know if you like my offerings or if there is something you are looking for. I read each comment that is left and enjoy hearing from you=]
It has come to my attention that 4shared has changed their TOU for link sharing. I have found that you will now be asked to Login or Create an Account in order to download a file. Yes I know it is free to sign up but I don't think you should have to do that in order to get a freebie. So I will start to change the links over to and I can only hope that they will not do this as well.
Remember to click on the picture to get it at fullsize=]
this is a bottle of silver nail polish i photographed and extracted, they are full size. i created a template layer to change the color of the polish inside the bottle and now i'm offering it to y'all =] inside the zip you will find 12 samples to use, plus the nail polish bottle template so you can create your own color variations. you can use them as bottles of mojo, poison, plain nail polish, whatever you can think up!
feel free to use them however you will, resize, recolor, add to them whatever you like. they are free to use and commercial use ok. my terms of use are very simple and included in the zip.
Download HERE

Just in time for Halloween! this pack has 3 skulls in it, 2 are the same skull photographed at different angles and different lighting. the third is a little skull, but all are full size and large so you can use them for creating a full size kit or making tags=] i did photograph and extract each of them so please let me know if you find a problem with the quality.
feel free to use them however you will, resize, recolor, add to them whatever you like. they are free to use and commercial use ok. my terms of use are very simple and included in the zip.
Download HERE