Remember to click on the picture to get it at fullsize=]
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
more masks!
Where I've Been...
well, it's a deep subject,
i'm in a mood today; but seriously there is a reason i haven't posted anything lately
at the beginning of the month i posted a lil joke over on The North Wing forum about breaking up with my computer as i was spending too much time with it. i was only half joking because i was indeed trying to limit my time on here. but as my bad luck is on such a HOT streak right now of course something went wrong.
(i'll add here that i don't believe in luck as a huge thing good or bad, just that i've had a lot of things going wrong lately)
perhaps a week after the lil joke i powered up like normal and things appeared ok then... i got the blue screen of death!!!
i tried shutting down and rebooting in safe mood as the screen suggested but nothing was working. my windows wouldn't open in any way shape or form. i have twice had to reformat this summer due to trojans infecting my pc. since i'm not a techie this was beyond me, i took it in to a shop in hopes that they could at least recover my pics and such.
no such luck, they tell me that my hard drive is wiped and they had to reinstall windows, nothing to recover. is this the truth, did they even try?? i don't know
what i do know is that i stupidly kept putting off backing my files up. i had saved things back in June and that's it. the things that hurt the most are pics of my kids that i lost cause i hadn't uploaded to any online albums or burned to cd.
of course i lost all my scrap kits, tags, and CU stuff, not counting a bunch of stuff i had made and not gotten uploaded to 4shared to offer here.
a very hard lesson to learn but it has indeed been learned to my regret.
Monday, December 7, 2009
North Wing Christmas Blog Train
Come snag all our goodies, made just for you,
Ride the train through all the patients stop, remembering not to make eye contact with the crazies, and swing by the asylum to grab some extra goodies!
Now catch the train at the next stop.....
Monday, November 30, 2009
New Templates are Up!!
The theme was Christmas/Holidays/New Years, so if you're looking for some awesome themed temps head on over!!
here's a peek at mine,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Some new tags=]
Thank you Reina for choosing my frames and thank you everyone that used them.
Here they are in no particular order=]
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Got an Award
So now i have to post 10 things about myself and pass it on, so here goes...
1. I'm addicted to Pepsi
2. I grew up on a farm
3. I have a twin sis
4. I drive a pick up truck
5. I am addicted to scrap kits, digital and traditional
6. I'm kinda nerdy
7. I LOVE to read
8. I like learning about history
9. I'm a messy house keeper
10. I'm a messy house keeper cause i HATE to do house work, lmao
ok and on to the blogs=]
Monday, November 16, 2009
Word Art
Of course it's FREE and Personal Use ONLY, tagger size=]
it is in png format so just right click and save, I promise that it will be full sized and nothing cut off, it just looks like that because of the blog=]
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thank you=]
I hope to have some new things up soon for you to enjoy too=]
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A New Blog Train!!
The fabulous nutters all came together to design something
that to them represents the phases of life.
You will not be disappointed .. They have gone all out
to make some awesome templates to bring a smile to your face.
so if life got you down follow this train and get some
awesome Templates
Now don't forget to leave some love when you download,
it takes but a minute to leave a thank you and
I'm quite sure our designers will appreciated it.
Download my part here
Please remember that not everyone is in the same time zone so
their bits might be up a bit later than others, so don't forget
to check back for them.
Enjoy the train ride!!
Main Train Station
Happy Go Nutty Blog
Masks are up!!

When you go to the Misfits forum you'll get the download link for all the masks, and believe me they are worth it!
Go HERE to grab them!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The North Wings BCA Collaboration
Nobody knows what the cause is,
Though some pretend they do;
It's like some hidden assassin,
Waiting to strike at you.
Childless women get it,
And men when they retire.
It’s as though they needed an outlet
For that foiled creative fire.
The North Wings BCA Collab takes off today.
Please enjoy going through the blogs and grabbing
all the parts to this wonderful collaboration.
Also, please remember not all are on the same time zone
and leaving a thanks goes a long way.
This is my portion and the links are below the preview.
Download HERE
Now off to the other stations for the rest of the parts.
Please make sure to go the The North Wing blog Here
to be able to get LadyDisney's and Marcita's parts. >YOU ARE HERE<
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Frame Cluster Freebie!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Some tags made with my stuff
Free CU ok Halloween Charms :)

Got some chrome Halloween charms for you! I made these for my Halloween kit and decided to offer them seperate also.Commercial use ok. The coffin and chain are not in the kit, only here. Hope you enjoy!
Download HERE
Friday, October 2, 2009
Awareness Ribbon Temp- CU Freebie
Download HERE
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Halloween kits are up!!

The kits are up!!! If you want some great Halloween kits head on over to the Creative Misfits blog to get them.
Mine is near the bottom, Halloween Fun. Go grab em and don't forget to leave some love :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
More Temps Up

I'm slacking, these were put up a week ago!! lol, better late than never tho, i guess. They are on the Creative Misfits Creations blog, go here to snag them all. Mine are at the very end of the list ;)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My First Wordart!!!

Download HERE
I made some word art, used some colors from the Rac vampire tubes. It's free and tagger size, personal use only
Thursday, September 17, 2009
2 new CU freebies for Halloween!
The first is a set of Halloween elements I made to use in a kit and decided to share since it is so hard to find free elements to add to kits:) It is called Halloween Treats

Download HERE!
The second is a set of layered psd elements, a witch's hat and shoe. lol, yes I even made the hat and shoe so don't laugh too hard:) samples are not included tho. It is called Witch's Closet

Download HERE!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Padded Cell blog train
Chugga chugga choo choooooooo .. The Padded Cell blog train has left the station this morning. The fabulous cellmates all came together to design something that to them represents what fun we have at The Padded Cell forum. You will not be disappointed .. if good laughs, fun, and kinkiness is something you enjoy, then get blog hopping .. you'll have a good chuckle we're sure of that. Now don't forget to leave some love when you download, it takes but a minute to leave a thank you and you can rest assured you will have put a big smile on the designers face when she sees it.
Hard Time is the name of my kit. the theme was padded cell!! i love the theme and wish that i had the time to do more but here it is sooo... lol, hope someone can find a use for it:)
the color palette